I have a vision.
I have a vision. This is about you the individual and you the universal. As an individual I aspired to reach a state of consciousness when nothing could touch me. I did not want God or the Self. All I wanted was to know, understand and feel always that I am not the body, mind or not even the soul. I wanted to feel I am all, everything, beyond and above.
Now I sincerely feel I am that. After reaching this state I felt I wanted to live for the manifestation of this vision. For that I decided to work, toil, struggle and strive. Failure, success, profit, loss, fame, pain, pleasure, life, death – these terms have lost their meaning to me. I am not alone feeling “that.” People who come and stay with me, near me, work for me, also sometimes feel “that”.
To make this feeling of unity a normal state for millions of human beings on Earth is my vision as a spiritual being. You may call it madness but it is for this that I am working.