Gita Verse 180
[Excerpts from Swamiji’s Interaction on 2 February 2018, at Veda Yajna Ashram in Bhubaneswar.]
Yogis perform action for atmashuddhi (self-purification). The Self is always pure but during the process of living the coating of contamination comes. That is why the soul is not able to manifest fully, and the contaminations of the material world are manifesting.
Four types of action are performed: through senses, mind, intellect and body. (Verse 215.) Karmas are created through these four gateways. For someone sitting and listening to Swamiji’s interaction, all four types of action are being performed. The listener is in action mode, and although Swamiji is performing vigorous action, he is in inaction mode.
Gita says that even if someone is performing all four types of actions, he is a yogi if he is able to see action in inaction and inaction in action. (Verse 180.)
Karma is a three-dimensional concept: karta (doer), result or consequence, and process. There cannot be any action without a result. Action that is not conscious is not action, it is a process.
Visargah (the process through which the creation is sustained) is karma. What is not visargah is not karma, it is sargah (the creation itself).
God is the only doer, and performs all karma in a state of inaction, whereas humans perform every karma in a state of action. The more we are able to perform action in inaction, the closer we get to God. When you will know that you are not getting contaminated by any karma, you are God, you are a liberated being.
The process is a formidable challenge. First become free from the result. Do the work even if you know there will be no result. Next is doership. We can transcend doership if we are free from praise and censure. Third one is the most difficult, to become free from the process.
The difference between action and inaction: Action always has a result, action always creates a ripple, and action always has a doer. When you will be “I” then you will be in inaction although vigorously performing action. There will be no action, only manifestation of knowledge, love and truth.
Gita contains the cream of all Vedas, Upanishads and all scriptures. Only because of his grounding on Gita is Swamiji able to enter into and decode the Veda.
Jnana (knowledge) is like a sword. To be kept sharp, it must be constantly used.