Shattered Hope
[Following is a message recently sent by Swamiji, with the names changed for anonymity.]
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
My blessed Edith,
I am shocked and feel deeply sad after knowing from your message that Phillip has decided to undergo sterilization. I never could think of a yogi going for sterilization.
First, it is clear proof that the yogi has pull for lust and sex, because without that pull no one will feel the need to sterilize himself. So it is a clear case of not having control over his urge for sex.
Second, anyone who does sterilization is permanently closing, for this life, his chances of transcending prakriti, because a very delicate part will be blocked and that will never, never, never allow the kundalini to move beyond the throat chakra.
There are many masters and teachers who are stuck, not because they don’t have aspiration for sadhana, nor because they are not putting effort, but because they are having sex. I will not accept any other explanation, because I have done experiments with sex and transcendence for seven long years, and I know that the moment you have physical sex, your kundalini ascension goes backwards. It comes back to the point of origin, to the muladhara. When the yogi again maintains celibacy, the kundalini again starts to ascend. These are verified by countless great siddhas and mahatmas over thousands of years.
My hope for Phillip to reach the core team’s attainment is shattered. I have no words to express my anguish and sadness.