Chant Gita
Omm Namo Bhagavate
Chanting the verses of the Bhagavad Gita engages the mind and senses in a mantric rhythm of devotion, and helps to elevate the consciousness. At the Satyachetana Ashram in Tiruvannamalai, at least one chapter of Gita is chanted every morning, and before every meal.
To help introduce people to Gita chanting, here is a recording of Swamiji and devotees chanting Chapter 7 at a slow pace to enable listeners to learn the rhythm and practice the Sanskrit pronunciation. Follow along using the below excerpt from the Beginners’ Gita Chanting book, with simplified phonetic transliteration for easier learning and pronunciation. Download the entire Gita chanting audio, plus Swamiji’s books, recorded Interactions and courses from Satyachetana Publications.